Ops in #DevOps and #Azure – The why and what!

March 14, 2016

This is the first article in a series that I call, Ops in DevOps and Azure.

In this series I will provide my views of Operations and the ITpro role in DevOps.

ITpros have an advantage but also a challenge in the DevOps world. In an article on DevOps.com Peter Waterhouse wrote,

“After all they have years of experience supporting every new wave of technology – from Mainframes to Microservices. What must change, however, is how their expertise is developed and shared.
Why NoOps is a DevOps disaster waiting to happen.”

DevOps is, if you haven’t read or heard about it an efficient way of delivering and producing IT services to an organization. In the fast moving Cloud delivery model, a dynamic way of producing and managing IT services is necessary.

clip_image001In DevOps, traditional walls between delivery units are removed to enable interoperability. Each discipline (delivery unit) brings their experience and skills to the table for a complete set of knowledge. DevOps isn’t a technology, it’s a mindset that spans the entire organization and it isn’t limited to just Developers and Operations.


Yesterday I read a really interesting article by Matthew Hitchcock, Do I really need to pay for a design if I am using Azure?

This morning I read another article this time by Matthew Garrett, Remember, When You Wire Up Your Hotel With A Fancy Interface, Make Sure It’s Protected about Security in Hotel room gadgets.

Matthew Garrett ends his article with a quote “The sad thing is, this isn’t a surprising issue at all: as technology becomes easier and less expensive to purchase and install, there’s a considerable lapse in understanding at just how these systems work and how to secure them.”

Both articles point to the need of a complete knowledge set.

An organization has always an operations team, their own or someone else’s.

To learn more and get up to speed on DevOps head over to the Microsoft Virtual Academy and Channel 9. Below you find a couple of links to help you get started.

DevOps Fundamentals


DevOps Dimension


Microsoft Virtual Academy


Get a copy of “The Phoenix Project: A Novel About IT, DevOps, and Helping Your Business Win” and READ it!